In this issue you’ll find three articles in a section of call and response that delve into nuanced discussions of approaches to institutional history, “Just because we share history doesn’t mean we share an interpretation of history.”
Debbie Eisenbise, a panelist from our virtual luncheon, writes “True inclusion and power sharing will not occur unless there is systemic reform” in her article “Defund Dysfunction.”
As you may be aware, Womaen’s Caucus wrote a letter to General Secretary David Steele, Moderator Paul Mundey, Moderator-elect David Sollenberger, Annual Conference Secretary Jim Beckwith, CODE Representative Cindy Sanders, Bethany Seminary President Jeff Carter, Brethren Benefit Trust President Nevin Dulabaum and Annual Conference Director Chris Douglas. We are still discerning how we are called to speak truth to power so watch for follow-up!
We are pleased to introduce you to our newest Steering Committee member, Carol Lindquist.
We also gathered a list of books, websites and podcasts that open us up to ways scripture speaks truth to power.
Ways you are invited to respond:
We’re compelled to continue these conversations. Would you like to engage?
How do you rescind power or share power with others in a church context?
How are you called to speak truth to power? How has truth been spoken to you?
How does historical trauma impact your daily life? What does it mean to carry a silent history?